November Edition

A good reminder… thank you for all you are doing!!!

Dead Poet’s Society, one of Robin Williams’ masterpieces. Keep looking at things differently and carpe diem!

Tech Tidbits:

Adding Polls to zoom for formative assessment (3:00)

Zoom Tutorial Dual Monitor use (6:48) – Thanks Leslie Burns

Using EdPuzzle Go Live in class (3:03)

Elementary Update

You likely already know this since it was to be communicated through your principals, but here is the update from the D.O. about indoor spaces for PE:

The weather is changing and instruction outside will become more difficult. We decided that students need to move from their classroom to go outside for PE. Therefore, if possible, you may establish a shared indoor space for them to use. Please stress that the preferred hierarchy of space for utilization for PE is: Outside whenever possible, regular classroom cohort (health activities or physical activities with minimal space requirements), and as a last resort using the shared space. We will monitor how this change works What we are doing is working, so let’s approach modifications in small quantities. Please be mindful of the rationale and the hierarchy of spaces. 

A big shout out to Chance Condran and the CDYA SHAPE PA for organizing a webinar on virtual PE. Check out the webinar if you are interested.

Secondary Update

  1. Next year for CVVA, I will outline a PE course titled, “Fitness at Home” and one of the Health electives.
  2. I plan to propose no more ODD/EVEN schedule for any course at the high school.
  3. CV9 will have one PE and one Health, proposed as semester courses and built around Fitness/Wellness
  4. Budgets will be due in December: equipment, tech, and facility.

Poll for Apparel order: